langvista s.r.o. Štúrova 8, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovakia, tel: +421 911 447 780, +421 911 447 781

Language audit


An independent language audit is an objective and complex method of evaluating your real language abilities following the Common European Reference Framework.

You need a third party to determine if the language studies you have ordered and that are ongoing or occurred in your company are or were effective and if the students are making or made progress. Select another (independent) institution with the aim of ensuring an independent language audit and delivering a report on the actual language abilities of students.

An independent language audit is composed of two sections:

Written section - This is a test that takes 60 minutes to complete and assigns individual test takers into individual language classifications based on the Collective European Reference Framework.

Speaking section – The speaking interview, which takes approximately 15-25 minutes, is composed of a list of structured questions that are constructed from the simplest to the most demanding. The aim of the interview is not 100% grammatical accuracy but rather the ability to really use the language in both the normal and professional lives of the test takers.

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